Project Description
Leader Products
Project: New Spiral Freezer & Cooker
Piping System: MM Brands – Kembla KemPress Stainless Steel
Leader Products are experiencing increased demand from their customers for their range of prepared foods. To meet this growth, they have increased capacity by adding a new spiral freezer and cooker. This required new compressed air supply lines for the freezer blower and for the PLC controlled clean in place (CIP) system control valves. A new hot water line was also required for the cooker and wash down hoses.
The lines were installed in the celling space, above the polystyrene insulated sandwich panels, which are flammable. Leader Products Engineering Manager Richard Crabb says “Welding on site makes us really nervous, because of the fire risk.” In addition to the fire risk, welding on site also requires a “fire watcher” to be present while the welding is taking place, adding further cost to the installation.
Leader Products had used Kembla’s KemPress stainless steel piping system for a previous plant installation, and selected it again for this project. The weld free press fit jointing system eliminated the fire risk that was of serious concern to the company. With no flames on site, there was no requirement for a “fire watcher” or hot work permits.
The ability to “rough-in” the installation and simply press the joints with a battery powered hydraulic tool made the installation quick and straight forward in the restricted space where the pipe lines were run.
Leader Products engineering team undertook the installation of the KemPress piping system. Richard Crabb commented “As it eliminates our fire risk, it just makes sense for us to use the KemPress press fit system for our expansion projects. It is also quick and easy for us to install”.
Nexus Thermobreak foil faced tube insulation was used on the hot water line. The split length design of the tube insulation, which is joined by aluminium reinforced tape, made the installation easier than traditional foam insulations.
As demonstrated again at Leader Products, Kembla’s KemPress stainless steel press fit piping system has proved itself to be a quick and easy system to install, yet still being an extremely robust and reliable system.